We are doing good...We had another appointment with the specialist about 1 1/2 weeks ago, and it was great! Everything has put itself into the proper places. The placenta has moved out of the way and the baby is doing great! I also got released to go back to work, which is kind of bittersweet. I DO NOT at all want to go back to work, I LOVE being home with the girls everyday...but I know that I NEED to go back to work until the baby arrives to help my family financially. I went in Thursday and talked to the people at work about me coming back. They are very hesitant, and didn't seem very excited at the thought. They told me they would only want me to work 2 days/week and just see how that went...Then they told me they needed to have a "meeting" about it! So, I go back in the morning to see what they decided about me in their "meeting." At least we still have Premier, that is one thing that we are so thankful to have in our life. It has been such a blessing to us over the last 2 years!
I will try to take a new "belly picture" this week. I am now 25 weeks, and growing like crazy! Only 15ish weeks left till we get to meet our new baby girl! Then, chaos will take on a whole new meaning with 3 girls under 3!!!! Oh my, pray for our sanity over the next couple years (just kidding, ........ok, maybe I'm not!)
Here are our beautiful little girls, we went and had their pictures taken a couple weeks ago.
All the way my Saviour leads me
5 days ago
Oh Alicia -- That is sooooo good to hear. I'm so happy for you guys about this "miracle." God is soooo good. Good luck with the "meeting" at work.
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